Friday, May 23, 2008

I really should be gay!

While reading this listen to this song

I mean, I really fucking hate women. I just like to see them get fucked. Having a woman on my cock is fucking great. There bitch! You hold out so much until the "right guy"comes along and guess what? I'm not the right fucking guy, I'm here just to fuck you. It's revenge if you will. They are all whores. Holding out for shit! They like fucking but they have to be sensitive and superior, and we, the men, are fucking animals always trying to fuck... Well DOH BITCH! I work, have nice clothes, go to the gym, shower, walk,talk and think and WAKE THE FUCK UP IN THE MORNING just to fucking be "right" to win your appreciation so I can fuck you! My life, would be great if every woman would drop the bullshit. That's why gay men are so happy! It's easy! Life gets uncomplicated suddenly! We got fucking out of the way, so now, everything they do, they do out of their own hearts and personalities and they fucking are themselfs. Not a fucking idiot trying to impress chicks so he can fucking procreate! FUCK CHILDREN! I'm not a fucking pedophile, but come ooon, if having kids means doing all that... pff I WOULD TAKE A DICK IN THE ASS ANYTIME... I'd probally fucking love it to. Aaaa just dick, no kids... FUCK women!
Even now I'm trying to fuck this woman but she's playing hard to get, the fucking ritual of mating. She knows I'm going to fuck her, and that she's going to be my bitch for at least one night but she's playing hard to get. What the fuck? You know you want the cock, I want to give you the cock, just fucking take it and drop the act! Who do you think you're fooling? I don't think I'm better the her but fuck! I don't pretend to be moral or sensitive. I am a male fucking human and by definition I NEED TO FUCK! I don't hide that. I'm fucking proud. Also as a man I will do the shopping, lift heavy things, KILL THE FUCKING DINOSAURS THAT ARE FUCKING HUNTING YOU, gather the food, protect the young and fuck you every night that your head doesn't hurt. You fucking like me and all this isn't enough for you! Not that's fucked up! Maybe we won't have kids our see each other again after the first fuck but hey! I had a great time, you did too! If it works out we've got a healthy relationship that can lead to anywhere, if not... well fuck! It was a great time!
I have to mention that i wrote this while I was high and I'll deny it. Now I'll go online looking for my first portorican. Have A GREAT FUCKING SEX LIFE BITCH!

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