Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eyedea & Abilities - Burn Fetish

"I like the way your pheromones make me sleepy
This far away I still smell you inside me"
comment by author: fuck...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Toss my salad!

Here’s the breakdown. I’ve been talking to a friend recently and have been using some psychoactive stuff so I’ve had quite a few revelations lately. This friend was telling me that we’re all so busy with our stuff that we can’t hear everything screaming at us. We should listen to society, screaming. See it kicking and spaz out. We should care about a little girl run over by a car driven by a drunk, cut down during the first years of her life. We should care about all the crack babies, heroin babies, lsd babies, alcohol babies, malformed babies all the drug babies, the aids babies, the cancer babies the fake boobs babes that shove in their bodies miles of dick just to make a living, about the homeless etc, etc, etc.
I’ve taken into consideration all of this. I can’t say that it isn’t sad; for someone. I on the other hand couldn’t care less. Fuck the retarded, the homeless fuck them all. I pay my taxes, society should take care of them, if it doesn’t I DON’T CARE! I won’t donate for the kids anywhere not even for the kids in Africa. Just like me they had millions and millions of years to evolve, they didn’t well… TOUGH LUCK! Or maybe they are just inferior beings that can’t evolve and should be treated as such, sure they can learn some shit, so can a dog, and a dog isn’t that smart. I know that tragedies happen all the time. Nothing has a reason, nothing makes sense, nobody deserves it. Well almost nobody, some fuckers out there were so unlucky that some awful shit actually happened to them and they actually did deserve it. But that again is serendipity. Tragedies are tragedies for the people involved, the people that are affected. For me it’s just something I forget in the next 2 minutes right after I lie about feeling bad. I love concerts for cancer, leukemia and other shit, lots of good bands for a moderate to low price! Now that’s a deal! I don’t care where the money goes I’m just happy to see my favorite band performing. Also I don’t care if I eat anything that has a face, name, gender etc. etc. It’s all good eating! I understand the people who don’t eat meat, or those vegans and such, I also understand that there are plenty of retarded people out there so I don’t give it much thought just like I don’t wonder what the name of the meat in my fucking burger is. I only care about the name if has extra, big, cheese or double in the name. I like a huge burger. Hell I’d buy a burger made out of a whole cow just for the fun of it all.
Sad shit happens, sadder shit happens also. Everything is soooo unfortunate. In the end I’m telling you that life is short, if something makes you sad just don’t think about it or don’t do it anymore. When you die, if humanity remembers you as the great shit head that did something it still doesn’t count if you didn’t have fun or enjoy yourself doing it. Life is too fucking short to worry about anything. There is one exception: worry when you don’t have a good time! If you don’t have fun now, you can’t have fun when you’re dead. Don’t burden yourself with the weight of the word, the earth does that and I’d say it does a pretty decent job. Also remember: people don’t change. They’re too many and too stupid. The only time you can change someone is if you’re a dictator and throw them in jail or something horrific… whatever.
You may wonder why this post is called toss my salad. Well it’s called that because you can toss my salad if you disagree or think that I’m not right or think that I’m a bastard. Remember that when you’re tossing my salad you’re making a sad little boy very happy!
PS: don’t worry too much about the after life: is a reason why it’s called that. IT’S AFTER FUCKING LIFE! And it pretty much doesn’t exist. Thank you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stang, drept, stang, drept…

Stang, drept, stang, drept… parca asa sunau cuvintele invatatoarei la ora de educatie fizica. Asa incet si cu aceeasi cadenta aud acest ritm din ce in ce mai des cand ma trezesc apoi in fata monitorului plat fara radiatii de la munca, in fata McDonlad’s-ului din mall… In fiecare zi bat pasul pe loc. Sa dorm cat mai mult sa ma trezesc cat mai tarziu, sa gasesc cea mai buna scuza in fiecare zi pentru a intarzia la munca, sa fiu cat mai inconstient de tot.
Zilele astea discutam despre individualitate si complexitate. Este cul sa ai probleme… este cul sa fi complex, este cul sa asculti muzica de care nu a mai auzit nimeni. Daca este doar o voce plangacioasa si o chitara este perfect, cat mai simplu, cat mai profund… cat mai complex. Vreau simplu. Vreau o orchestra… Vreau sa fie simplu. Vreau sa ascult UB40… vreau sa ascult Bob Marley fara apropouri despre iarba. Vreau un caine maidanez. Vreau o camera cu un fotoliu si atat. Poate si un bibelou… si un mileu. Imi aduc aminte de bunici, de copilarie. Sa stea pe jos. Si eu tot pe jos. Sa fie caldut, sa miroasa a parchet. Sa scartaie o usa. Sa am o moneda mare de 5 lei in scurgerea de la dus. Sa ma pierd la sifoane. Sa pierd restul. Cainele are voie in fotoliu. Inteleg nevoia de individualitate a fiecarui om, chiar si pe a mea. Sunt tare curios cata individualitate exista cand toti avem aceleasi magazine acelasi internet acelasi televizor aceleasi haine, acelasi job acelasi acelasi acelasi. Cand te potrivesti cu adevarat cu o cineva argumentele sunt: “pai ascultam aceeasi muzica” este oare aceesi muzica cul? “Ne plac aceleasi gen de haine” adica skate shoes conversi si ceva modele de superstaruri? “am vazut pana si aceleasi filme!” adica reservoir dogs, the butterfly effect, closer etc etc? Eu cred ca va potriviti de minune. Ar trebui sa faceti poze cu conversii vostii sa le puneti pe myspace. Myspace nu e coca. Acolo au cont si Kings of Leon! Not coca at all!
Si mie imi plac filmele si muzicile si adidasii de mai sus… Do you think you can love me?

The new Cocorosie???

Poate nu, dar cu siguranta a big thing.

Friday, April 24, 2009


The Blow, Pile of Gold, a song that will haunt you forever, :(