Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Salty sweet pus

They’re there, healing then opening up again. Sometimes like a bad child I open them up myself again and again. I live with them every day. I’m not ashamed. But I will always hate them, I’ll try to make them heal thousands of times and then open them up again. For I am nothing without my wounds.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Netu' face minuni

Sau mai bine zis le atrage... Ca simplu spectator ca al fenomenului internet in Romania de la inceputuri si pana acum, am inceput sa constat un declin in calitatea oamenilor care-l folosesc. Inainte cu toate ca foloseam "Mirc" si nu existau bloguri, poze, profile, s.a.m.d. intalneai mai la tot pasul oameni ok, puteai sa schimbi o vorba orcand cu mai oricine. Acum in schimb, trebuie sa caut zile intregi un singur om ok. E deja frustrant. Probabil ca din acest motiv sunt la moda blogurile. E atat de greu sa gasesti pe cineva cu care sa vorbesti incat incepi sa vorbesti singur. Acum ca internetul a inceput sa fie accesibil si in mediul rural cu 3g-ul si toate inventiile sunt cu adevarat fericit. Nu numai ca trebuie sa evit in fiecare zi zecile de tzarani de oras, acum trebuie sa evit si "the real thing". Asa nu!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shit in the playlist.

While looking around in the playlist for a song about shit... I typed "shit" in the jump to file menu in winamp and guess what? Not much of a surprise, I stumbled upon Lissie - Bright side and Reactor - Feeling the love. And people say I'm an unhappy person... I wonder why?
Here take a look: